Check out all the amazing items from Gooper Greens and other local vendors that can be delivered with your order!
We deliver to Scottsbluff, Gering, Mitchell, and the Double L in Banner County. Delivery is free for orders over $30 ($3 charge for orders under $30).
Microgreens are a simple and delicious way to get the nutrients you need.
Many green veggies are most nutritious at 7-10 days old. One USDA study shows microgreens to be 4-40 times more nutrient dense than their mature counterparts! So eating just a handful of microgreens can get you the nutrition of a full salad!
We just add water. All of our microgreens are fertilizer free, pesticide free, non-GMO. We start with a high quality seed, a totally compostable grow mat or organic soil, and we literally just add water. Maximum nutrition. Nothing else.
We deliver three days per week to Scottsbluff, Gering, Minatare, and Mitchell.
Your home or workplace must be within our delivery area. Currently, we are delivering to homes and businesses in Scottsbluff, Gering, Terrytown, Minatare, and Mitchell. For those who live outside our delivery area, we can bring your delivery to you when you're in town to shop, dine, etc..
Choose the items that are right for you. There will be a delivery fee of $3 for orders under $30. Deliveries over $30 are always free.
Orders are delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Your order will be delivered on the following delivery day as available (Monday, Wednesday, or Friday) unless you provide special instructions or requests during checkout.